Saturday, February 26, 2011

Day 27 - God's Dream for Me

Do you ever have those moments when you feel like God is trying to send you a sign or a message telling you something? Sometimes it appears in symbols that have meaning to you.  Often I'll say a prayer and then find it answered by a song.  And I'll feel it in my soul and in my heart that God is talking to me.

To me, this song "Family Tree" by Matthew West, is God's voice answering my prayers.  I have been struggling with my past, especially the past of my family.  I've been trying to understand what that means for me.  I ask God:
"Will I be depressed like my mother was?"
"Will I be abusive like my father was? and my father's father was?"
"Will my marriage end in divorce like my parents did?"

And with urgency,  love, and devotion to me, God replies, "NO! This is not your legacy. This is not what you're meant you be.  I can break the chains that bind you."

God has given me a vision of the beautiful woman he has created me to be, not defined by my family tree.  I am a daughter of God and a part of  God's legacy of love.  He has a dream for me that is better than where I've been.  I'm going to find real love and change the course of generations!

I am only defined by my family tree if I let my family tree define me.  I need to rewrite my story to be God's story for my life and what he has dreamed for me.

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