Saturday, April 10, 2010

Day 16 - Prayer can Change Everything

A Volunteers Prayer - Lois Clark Suddath
O God,
Today I will be with those who are suffering
and frightened, and possibly alone.
Some will have no one to talk to today,
Lord, but me, may my arms be strong
to give someone a hug,
my hands comforting and warm
to hold another's hand,
and through my eyes and smile
may someone know that I care.
But, most of all Lord, give my heart
the compassion and understanding
that will calm another's fears,
dry a tear and give strength to face what
lies ahead.
I am only one person, Lord,
but you and I know that one person
can and will make a difference in another's life.
And if I do that for someone today,
when my head lies upon my 
pillow tonight, and my eyes close
I will be at peace.
Amen and Amen.

I can't believe how much I have tried to do things on my own the past few years.  I believed that in order to do my social work internship I had to have everything figured out.  I didn't want to mess up.  I wanted to be perfect.  Taking a closer look at my heart, I have realized that I have nothing figured out and I never will.  I have been trying to rely on God for direction in my day to day life recently.  Since I said that little prayer to God on Easter about my mom,  I realized that I should turn to God more often in the middle of the day whenever I need him.  It doesn't matter if I'm in my car, in a restaurant, having a conversation with someone, at work; God can be reached anywhere I am.  It doesn't have to be anything special.  I don't have to get on my knees.  I don't have to fold my hands.  I don't even have to close my eyes.  I just have to open my heart and realize God's presence with me.

Just the other day when I was on my way to my social work internship, I was driving in my car listening to the radio as always singing along with the Christian music on the radio station.  Then it occurred to me that even though I was listening to Christian music, I wasn't singing the songs in my heart to God.  I decided to turn off the radio and start to pray for my day.  I asked God to live through me for the kids at the school that I do my internship for.  Then I found myself praying for God to look over each of my clients one by one.  I don't know how I didn't attempt to do this before.  God knows these children and he knows their situations well.  He loves these children and cares deeply for them.  One by one I said their names and their situations for God to take into his arms.  I asked God to look out for them in ways that I as a human being could never do for them.  It was then that I felt so relieved to know that God was doing the work and not me.  That day at work I had the best day ever!  I was living in the moment.  I was listening (sincerely listening) to these children to let them know that I care.  I honestly don't know why I thought that I had to have it all figured out before.  I came into the social work field because God called me to do it.  So why did I think that I had to do it all on my own?  Why did I not turn to God earlier?

Have any of you felt that way before?  Have you ever felt that you need to have it all figured out?  But to your surprise you realize you can't do it on your own and you need to rely on God?

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