Monday, March 22, 2010

Day 14 - Peace of Mind

Prayer for Peace of Mind
O Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in
You, hoping for all things from Your
goodness.  You make a root flourish
beneath the soil; You can make fruitful the
darkness in which I find myself today. I 
adore You in all Your purposes even
without knowing them; Your will be done,
not mine.  May I be patient!  It is so 
difficult to realize these trials,
heartbreaking as they are, can be turned
into blessings.  Lord, give me peace of
mind, peace of heart, and peace of soul, as I 
offer You my thoughts, my words, my 
actions, and yes, Lord my sufferings.  May
they all be for Your greater glory. Amen.

I found this prayer in my sister's closet today.  As I read through it, I realized that this is just the prayer that I need to send up to God right now.  Going through trials and darkness are the hardest times to realize that so much more goodness can come from suffering!  I wouldn't believe this unless I have experienced it myself.  It's because of my trials and sufferings that I was able to find life and peace.  It is so beautiful.

Because of all the darkness I am experiencing right now,  my mom is looking to move out of our home.  Just yesterday my family went driving around new neighborhoods that my mom might be moving to.  It was such a blessing finding some beautiful homes that we can move to.  I am very excited to get out of this old home that is in a neighborhood full of crime. 

Now you might be asking me, "why do you want to be a social worker if you can't handle the crime?"  Well, I have an answer for you.  There is a difference when the crime is in your own home and violates you personally.  I understand that I will be working with criminals as a social worker at some point in my career, and I have honestly already worked with juvenile delinquents.  By working with them outside of my home in an institution that is structured around serving them, I feel that I am safe and able keep my boundaries.  You don't see police men comfortable with criminals coming into their homes.  Yet, police men work with criminals everyday.  Therefore, social workers can work with criminals and not bring them into their own homes either.  I'm sure if you've had a job you can understand this.  Maybe you work at a McDonald's.  You're fine serving people hamburgers and fries.  But maybe once you've worked there you don't want to bring that home.  Maybe you'll never eat another hamburger from McDonald's again.  Or maybe you work in an office.  You wouldn't want to bring all of your paperwork home from the office.  You want your home to be your safe haven and the place you can escape from your job so that you can rejuvenate for the next day of work.

Okay so now that I went on a tangent on working with criminals as a social worker, let's get back to what I was talking about before "Peace of Mind."  I pray that God gives me a peace of mind about my life and this situation and I trust that God is looking out for me, trying to find me a safe haven to live.  I pray in anticipation for the blessings that await me at the end of this storm.

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